#0 — My first 50 visuals

Jeff Kortenbosch
1 min readMar 23, 2022


It was in December 2021 that I noticed something happening in my Twitter timeline. David Lindenberg, A guy I know from my e-learning developer days started posting these super cool and inspiring visuals. I clicked ‘like’ a bunch of times and more visuals started appearing in my timeline.

One of David’s visuals.

Covid-19 was going strong for almost two years now and I was getting a bit (utterly and absolutely) bored and I needed something to get energized while staying at home. I’d done some basic drawing and tracing on my old iPad in the past. Heck, I even trained people on how to get started with drawing. Let's see if I can rekindle the old creative flame. I reached out to David and asked him what he was up to with these visuals and how he got started. He pointed me towards Janis Ozolins’ course ‘Explain Ideas Visually’.

I got in touch with Janis and he was super helpful. In January 2022 I started the course and started my journey to create visuals and share them online, for the world to see, on Twitter.

Now, two months later, I’ve created over 50 visuals, am part of this amazing community of kick-ass visual creators, and am having tons of fun coming up with ideas and creating visuals, and sharing them with the world.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing my visuals and the thoughts behind them, right here on Medium. Let me know what you think!




Jeff Kortenbosch

I’m an illustrator from the Netherlands. I create simple, yet powerful visuals to explain big ideas that move people💡